Planning information
This page contains links to current and previously decided planning applications dating back to late 2020 that are within the Llanddowror and Llanmiloe Community Council area. The links are to Carmarthenshire County Council's website, so we apologise if there are any issues accessing the information - it is not under our control, but we can try to help you.
Older system: You can see the dates of the various stages by clicking on the 'progress' tab for each application. You can view the application documents, and any responses received about it, by clicking on the 'documents' tab.
Newer system (since August 2020) in the PL/ files click on that application link to see the details of the actual application. Click on the 'view files' link to see all documents including responses to the consultation.
If you persist in having difficulties accessing the information, please do contact the Clerk on [email protected] and we will try to help.
W/23040 - Variation on condition no 6 on approval W/19159 in order for the condition to to only apply to the Mill House. Great Newton Farm, New Mill, St Clears. SA33 4HZ. Application submitted 1-6-2-2010. Application withdrawn 7-6-2021.
W/37321 - Outline planning consent - some matters reserved. Proposed outline planning for four plots and general parking area. Land adjacent to Wood End / Dukes Meadow. SA33 4UG. Outline granted 17-11-2020.
W/39645 - Change of use of land for the siting of 9 holiday lodges and associated infrastructure alongside ecological mitigation and enhancement. Abercoran Farm. Application fully refused 9-12-2019.
W/39885 - Construction of two storey extension and detached garage/equipment store. CNWC, Llanddowror. Application valid 9-11-2019. Granted 9-3-2021.
W/40268 - Change of use of a redundant stone barn to holiday let and retention of a partly reconstructed barn for storage purposes. Maesoland Farm. SA33 4HE. Application valid 25-2-2020. Application granted 17-4-2020
W/40767 - Phase 2 tourism development for 15 log pods with linked garden enhancements. Land at Llanmiloe House, Llanmiloe. SA33 4HE.Application valid 24-6-2020. Not yet decided. This application has revised documents with changes to the number of log pods and a bat survey now provided - 24-9-2020. This application has again been revised with changes to the number of units proposed - 26-11-2020. Full refusal decision on application - 12-1-22. ENF/09522 - site layout changed and hedge removed without agreement. New enforcement case opened re new access drive and storage compound created without planning permission - case opened (not date given) December 2024.
PL/00027 - Improvement to access and creation of turning and loading area in association with forestry management. Parciau Forestry, Llanddowror. Application valid 11-9-2020. Application full granted 26-01-2023.
PL/00253 - Proposed extension and detached double garage. Maelor House, Llanddowror.SA33 4HH. Application granted 13-11-2020.
PL/00339 - Single storey front elevation. 52 Llanmiloe Estate, Llanmiloe. SA33 4UE. Application granted 16-11-2020.
PL/00810 - Proposed two storey side extension. Halldown Farm, Cross Inn. SA33 4QS. Application submitted 18-11-2020. Application granted 14-1-2021.
PL/00913 - Change of use and extension of Brynsiriol dwellinghouse to a children's car homew with extension of curtilage to provide a car park. Brynsiriol, St Clears. SA33 4JB. Application submitted 4-12-2020. Application granted 9-6-2021.
PL/01047 - Submission of reserved matters for a dwelling on plot 1 pursuant to outline plannng permission W/38336 (appearance, landscaping and scale). 1 Dan Y Byn, Pendine. SA33 4EZ. Application submitted 8-2-2021.
PL/01261 - Non-material amendment to PL/00339. Application submitted 15-02-2021. Application granted 5-03-2021.
PL/01365. Reserved matters to outliine W/38336. Residential development, 28 Dan Y Bryn, Pendine. SA33 4EZ. Application registered 9-3-2021. Application granted 28-5-21.
PL/01495. Reserved Matters Application to Outline Planning Permission W/38336 for Construction of house - 21 Dan Y Bryn, Pendine, Carmarthen, SA33 4EZ Application registered 30-3-21. Application approved 19-5-21.
PL/01492 - Proposed two storey side extension. Brook Cottage, Brook School Road, Laugharne. SA33 4NX. Application submitted 18-3-21. Application granted 26-5-21.
PL/01256 - Reserved Matters to Outline Planning Permission W/38336 - 20 Dan y Bryn, Pendine, Carmarthen, SA33 4EZ. Application submitted 30-3-21. Application granted 28-5-21.
PL/01632. Resubmission of a granted planning permission (W/33688) for a double storey extension. Tyr Felin, Llanddowror SA33 4HJ. Application received 1-4-21. Application granted 27-5-21.
9-8-2021. Pre Planning Consultation for Deers Park Farm Laugharne. SA33 4RG. Full planning application for the demolition of the existing cattle housing facilities and replacement with new portal framed agricultural building, slurry lagoon and associated works. has the relevant consuiltation documents.
PL/02404. Reserved Matters to Outline Approval W/37321 (Four plots). Land adjacent to Wood End/Dukes Meadow, Pendine, Carmarthen, SA33 4UG Application received 16-08-21. Reserved matters granted 28-9-21
PL/02422. Prior notification for agricultural/forestry building. Land at West Marsh Farm, Laugharne. SA33 4RS. Application registered 3-8-2021. Prior approval not required decision 1-9-2021.
PL/02663. Two bedroom extension to front elevation of single storey terraced house. 71 Llanmiloe Estate, Llanmiloe. SA33 4EU. Application received 9-9-2021. Granted 1-11-2021.
PL/02758. Single dwelling on plot 27 (Reserved matters to outline planning application W/38336 – residential development) - 27 Dan Y Bryn, Pendine. SA33 4EZ. Application received 24-9-2021. Reserved matters granted 15-11-2021.
PL/03007. Prior notification - agricultural shed. Honeywell Barn, Laugharne. SA33 4RA. Application received 12-11-2021. Decided - prior approval planning required - 16-11-2021.
PL/03048. Amendments to a previously granted planning permission (PL/01632) for a double storey extension. Ty'r Felin, Llanddowror, Carmarthen, SA33 4HJ Application registered 17-11-2021. Application granted 6-1-2022.
PL/03026. Planning application - New house - 4 bed detached - 3 Dan Y Bryn, Pendine, Carmarthen, SA33 4EZ. Application registered 18-11-21. Application granted 8-2-2022.
PL/03102. Planning application - Agricultural building. Honeywell Barn, Laugharne, SA33 4RA. Application registered 26-11-2021. Application full granted 22-2-2022.
PL/03158. Planning application - Approval of Reserved Matters W/32544 (Appearance/Landscaping/Scale). Land Adjacent to Wood End, Pendine, Carmarthen, SA33 4UG. Application registered 21-12-2021. Application granted 13-04-2022.
PL/03357. Planning application - Discharge of condition 3 on W/38608 (Archaeological written scheme of investigation). Deers Park Farm, Laugharne, Carmarthen, SA33 4RG. Application registered 20-1-2022. Application granted 2-2-2022.
PL/03673. Non material amendment to PL/00810 (Re-sizing and repositioning the fenestration with the addition of more glazing to the rear of the the extension). Halldown Farm, Cross Inn, Carmarthen, SA33 4QS. Application registered 15-3-2022. Application granted 22-3-2022.
PL/04094 - Extension to dwelling house with link to form additional bedroom - Honeywell Barn, Laugharne, Carmarthen, SA33 4RA Application registered 31-05-2022. Application granted 19-07-2022.
PL/04215 - Proposed demolition of conservatory and creation of new sun room - Parc Cynog, Laugharne, Carmarthen, SA33 4PY Application registered 16-06-2022. Application granted 27-07-2022.
PL/04407 - Proposed new 3 storey residential dwelling development - Plot 5, Land adjoining Wood End, Dan Y Bryn, SA33 4UG. Application registered 04-08-2022. Application granted 22-12-22.
PL/04502 - Construction of house - 14 Dan Y Bryn, Pendine, Carmarthen, SA33 4EZ Application registered 12-09-22. - Construction of house - 14 Dan Y Bryn, Pendine, Carmarthen, SA33 4EZ Application registered 12-09-22. Application granted 6-2-2023
PL/04456 - Proposed erection of a single new dwelling on an existing residential development - Land Adjacent to Wood End/Dukes Meadow, Pendine, Carmarthen, SA33 4UG Application registered 13-09-22. Application granted 9-11-2022.
PL/04740. Siting of a static caravan adjacent to dwelling for use as overflow accommodation for dwelling house known as Cwm Curyll - Cwm Curyll, Brook School Road, Laugharne, Carmarthen, SA33 4NX Application registered 12/10/2022. Application refused 15-1-2024.
PL/04886 - Proposed new parking area in Llanmiloe school - Llanmiloe Cp School, Llanmiloe, Carmarthen, SA33 4TU. Application registered 12/10/2022. Application granted 22-12-2022.
PL/04972 - Proposed erection of a single new dwelling on an existing and on-going residential development site - Plot 9, land adj to Wood End, Llanmiloe, Pendine, SA33 4EZ. Application registered 1-11-2022. Application full granted 19-01-2023.
PL/05172 - Proposed erection of a single new dwelling on an existing residential development. Plot 4, Dan Y Bryn, Pendine, SA33 4UG.Application registered 8/12/2022. Application full granted 20-01-2023.
PL/05154 - Retrospective change of use of a cafe car park to an enclosed yard to house rescue dogs including the retention of storage containers and a 2.1m high security fence. Dan y Pound Cottage, Llanddowror. SA33 4HJ. Application registered 14/12/2022. Application full refusal 17-2-2023.
PL/05194 - Proposed steel frame agricultural building for the storage of implements and machinery. Land adjacent to Morfa Bach Cottage, St Clears, Carmarthen, SA33 4HD. Prior notification - agricultural building. Application registered 13/12/2022. Application decision - prior approval required 30/12/2022. Prior approval granted 31-01-2023
PL/05275 - One Planet Development including workshops, stable and polytunnels - Wij Wood, Four Wheels, St Clears, Carmarthen, SA33 4HD Application registered 11-01-2023.
PL/05282 - Conversion of integral garage. Woodside, Brook, Laugharne, Carmarthen, SA33 4NX. Application registered 9-01-2023. CLOPUD approval 20-1-2023.
PL/05356 - Lawful development - outbuilding bedrooms. Picton House Hotel. Llanddowror. SA33 4HJ. Application registered 26-01-2023. Application approved 17-3-2023.
PL/05396 - Construction of detached garage & equipment store - Cnwc, Llanddowror. SA33 4HN. Application registered 10-2-2023. Application refused 3-4-2023
PL/05405 - Construction of new two level residential dwelling house with loft room and summer house - Plot 6 Dan Y Bryn, Pendine SA33 4UG. Application registered 9-2-2023. Full permission granted 26-4-2023
PL/05469 - Erection of ground maintenance & machinery storage shed (in retrospect) - Land East of Llanmiloe House, Llanmiloe, SA33 4TZ. Application registered 22-02-2023. Application full refusal 31-1-2024. Planning enforcement ENF/09634. Welsh Office appeal CAS-03315-T7N6D8 - decision 4-12-2024 - appeal dismissed.
PL/05526 - Removal of Condition 8 and Variation of Condition 7 on PL/02356.Abercoran Farm, Laugharne. Application registered 17-3-2023. Removal and Variation of Condition granted 19-7-2023
PL/05929. Proposed new parking area. Llanmiloe School. Received 4-5-2023, Fully approved 27-6-2023.
SCO/06007. Screening opinion. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening opinion to determine if an EIA is required for the proposed development to install solar panels. MoD, Pendine. Received 26-5-2023 Decision - screening not required 27-6-2023.
PL/06033 Variation of Condition 1 on W/28331 (Inert landfill, where inert material will be used to raise the level of the site before being returned to agricultural use) - Talfan Farm, St Clears, Carmarthen, SA33 4HJ Received 23-5-2023. Granted 20-07-2-23
PL/06393 Discharge of Condition 3 on PL/04456 (Fence Height). 23 Dan Y Bryn, Pendine SA33 4EZ. Received 14-8-23. Granted 20-09-2023.
PL/06404. Construction of detached garage and equipment Store (Resubmission of PL/05396) Cnwc, Llanddowror, SA33 4HN. Received 7-8-2023. Householder granted 4-10-2023
PL/06120 Change of use of part of café car park to residential curtilage together with the erection of a kennel and siting of a storage container. In addition, the erection of a 1.8m timber fence to the boundary of the car park and 0.9m gated vehicular access together with the siting of a storage container within the café parking area - Dan Y Pound Cottage, Llanddowror, Carmarthen, SA33 4HJ Application accepted 21-9-2023. Application full refusal 16-2-2024
PL/06667. Variation of Condition No. 2 (Approved plans) to allow the addition of an Air Source Heat Pump and Variation of Condition No. 9 on PL/03026 (obscure glazing) to remove requirement for obscure glazing to balcony. 3 Dan Y Bryn, Pendine, SA33 4EZ. Application received 9-10-2023. Application granted 29-4-2024
PL/06799 . Change of use from a disused chapel into a one bedroom home. Demolition of the existing substandard porch which will be rebuilt to the same design but extended to the rear to accommodate a small bathroom - Elim Chapel House, St Clears, Carmarthen, SA33 4JA . Application received 30-10-2023. Application full granted 21-12-2023
PL/06927. Certificate of Lawful Development - use of 22 caravans for residential accommodation and holiday let for people on a long term and short term. Castell Toch Caravan Site, Pendine, Carmarthen, SA33 4PX. Application registered 20-12-2023. Application decision - refusal 25-1-2024.
PL/07023. Installation of ground mounted solar panels and associated works - Qinetiq, Llanmiloe, Carmarthen, SA33 4UA . Application registered 8-1-2024. Application granted 9-10-2024.
PL/07070 Discharge of Condition 3 (on PL/06799)(Photographic Survey). Elim Chapel House, Llanddowror. SA33 4JA. Application registered 8-1-24. Application granted 16-2-2024
PL/07667 Non-Material Amendment to W/38489 (Amendment submitted to reflect the as built, levels and location of the front boundary and vehicular access point). 2 Dan Y Bryn, Pendine, SA33 4EZ. Application received 7-5-2024.. Application granted 28-5-24.
PL/07716 Approval of details reserved by a condition. Discharge of Condition 3 on PL/06393 (Fully discharge condition 3 now the fence has been built). 23 Dan Y Bryn, Pendine, SA33 4EZ. Application received 16-05-2024. Granted 4-6-2024.
PL/07771. Certificate of lawful development of 17 Caravans in residential and/or holiday use. Castell Toch Caravan Site, Pendine, SA33 4PX. Application received 31-5-2024. Application refused 18-7-2024.
PL/07862. Nutrient store and associated works. Land west of Middle Newton, St Clears. SA33 4HZ.Application validated 09-07-2024. Application fully granted 19-11-2024.
PL/08000 Construction of a house - Plot 26, Dan Y Bryn, Llanmiloe, SA33 4EZ . Application validated 20-8-2024.Application full granted 8-10-2-24.
PL/08641. Proposed garage conversion to incorporate guest bedroom and study with ensuite - The Old School, Brook School Road, Laugharne, Carmarthen, SA33 4NX Application validated 12-12-2024. Application granted 19-2-2025.
In August 2020 Carmarthenshire County Council released a new planning portal, which uses a PL/ prefix for all applications from that date on. You can search this on for English or for Welsh and it includes applications submitted since 1st April 1996. There is more limited information on the older ones.
In the new system click on the blue PL/ application link to see the details of the actual application. If the application is open for public consultation then the comments tab will be active and you may leave your response there. Click on the 'view files' link to see all documents including other responses to the consultation.